Thursday, November 19, 2009

Words to LIVE by...

This tile trivet hangs in my kitchen near the sink, so I see it every day!
It was given to me by a co-worker almost 24 years ago!
I really do try to govern my life by
I also try to spread a little JOY and SUNSHINE every chance I get.
I have been blessed with a happy spirit - O, I can get down and depressed, but I just can't stay there. I will wallow for a moment only, and my heart just floats right back up to
I have always been surrounded by people who love me, and things to give me comfort and ease and beauty! I recognize that I have more to be thankful for than not. Yes, I have had sorrows - many and deep - but, because of them I can appreciate the everyday little joys that come my way!
Thanks to my co-worker friend for giving me this beautiful tile, and to it's author, Amanda Bradley!
It gives me something to muse on...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To Those Who Served...

How blessed I am to know and love selfless, strong and brave men & women who served in the armed forces!
I am so very proud of my brother Jim the MARINE. I remember my heart swelling with pride seeing him in his Marine uniform. He was already good looking, but that uniform made him even more so! I think all my girlfriends had a crush on him! I loved hearing him tell stories about serving. The one I recall most is his telling of how proud he was being one-of-hundreds holding a huge gynormous United States flag from underneath and having tears in his eyes while telling it. Thank you Jim. I love you!
Thank you uncle Benny and my uncle Buster, my cousin Fred, and ex-cousin-in-law Terry for serving in the NAVY!
Thank you Aunt Nelda for your service in the AIR FORCE. I have always looked up to you!
Thank you Bill for your service in the AIR FORCE. It wasn't easy letting you go to Viet Nam and wonder if you would be coming back home to me. I know how very hard it was for you to witness the horrors you saw and try to make the world seem normal when you came back!
Thank you to my uncle Cotton and uncle Kenneth for your service in the Army. Thank you Ted for serving in the ARMY and for the sacrifice in pain that you experienced losing friends and being wounded in the jungle of Viet Nam. How tender must have been your feeling knowing that your child was being born when you were so far away. Thank you for taking time to write to me. I cherish those words. I loved you then and still.
Thank you my Grandad Cluff for your service in WWI. You will always be one of my heros!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blast From The Past!

Almost daily I experience the warm memories of my childhood in our little white frame home - you know the one - with the white picket fence and fragrant colorful flowers lovingly tended by my mom's hands. More specifically I hear the voices of my siblings and my mother gathered round the kitchen table. That soothing background noise for all our meals. That table had some miraculous meals served on it. I am so amazed that Mom could feed herself and four kids with one can of tuna, or one can of soup. I remember fried okra - still a treat to me - salmon patties, scalloped potatoes, cakes, raisin filled cookies (sure could love one of those right now!) and even frog legs at least one time. But the dishes that some of those meals were served on grace my table today!
These are the only two left (pictured above) that I was blessed with out of I-don't know-how-many. I recall eating fried eggs off these plates and thinking how the white spots were egg left on the plate. Almost every morning I now eat eggs on one of these plates and think the same thing. Of course I love eating desert from them!
I wish I knew their history. Were they from a box of detergent? I do know mom got some dishes from detergent, green stamps, the service station and such. Did she pick them up from a family member, or were they a wedding gift? O, how I wish I had asked her! They are beautiful! Small plates with large simple brush strokes that form a beautiful flower... but more than that they bring a rush from the past of blissful childhood memories! I simply adore them!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Some of my fondest childhood memories are sitting on the cool linoleum floor at my mother's feet as she made dresses for me and my two older sisters. There were three small drawers on the left side of the sewing machine, and the bottom one was filled with all sorts of fanciful things to keep me occupied as my mother sewed. Jacks, marbles, plastic coins {I swallowed a play dime once causing a delay in the making of that particular dress}, a few stray buttons, string, and rubber bands. How I loved listening to the rhythmic sounds of the treadle sewing machine, smelling the new cloth {something wonderfully anticipatory in that smell}, feeling her warmth as I lay my head against her thigh, and watching as she removed pin after pin from the seam before the needle went over them, and putting them in a bright red tomato-shaped pin cushion...

How I loved trying on the dress as she took the pins out of that tomato-shaped pin cushion and pinned the hem just so - to be finished by hand by lamp light later! There were plaid dresses with prim white collars - for the coming school year. There were dresses for church. But the fluffy clouds of organdy and lace and ribbons that went into the Easter dresses were the ones that made me feel like a princess!

Saturday, July 4, 2009



...and He did!
It is now up to us to help protect and preserve those blessings.
May we be ever appreciative of this
and those brave and courageous men and women who serve-
May we stand up for the principles that our founding fathers intended-
May we be united in keeping our nation
ONE, under GOD -
I pledge allegience... do you?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

You know how some people fit right into your life like they had been there all along?! Those people who feel like an old, soft cotton glove. . . just fitting comfortably against your soul? I've been fortunate all my life - surrounded by fRieNds like that. I have childhood friends that still creep into my thoughts and softly conjure up happy memories of shared secrets, giggles, and warm summer days spent playing together not wanting to separate and go home when the porch lights come on {ALENE, KAY, JUDY, CLIFF, BOBBY, JIMMY, SONNY}.
I have friends that I may not see for months or years even, and in a few seconds of reuniting we pick up where we left off {CORENE, MONA, TONIA, ANGEE, SARA, TRISH, LOUISE, BARRIE, DEBORAH, VANESSA}.
I have family who, if they weren't related, I would have chosen for friends {MOM, my SISTERS, my BFF cuz BEV, and especially my sweet comfort, my daughter, ANDI}.
My everyday-get-me-through-stuff-and-we-can-tell-each-other-anything friend {CARRIE} who is always there when I need her most without being summoned.
My fondest, dearest, and special all-time-love, a man who made me feel whole and comfortable in my own skin, who changed my life, who is my far-away-and-wish-he-were-here, forever-FrIeNd {TED}.
I guess that says it - it's not what they say or do, but how they make you FEEL! Maya Angelou says it in one of my favorite quotes:

To all my FrIeNds ~ to all those who brushed up against my life and shared your sunshine ~


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

*! Gramma Rock Star !*

My grand daughter's 5th birthday celebration took place over the weekend, and this Gramma rocked on with the rest of the little rock stars. My daughter worked really fast and furious on this bash, with help from her cousin, and 2nd cousin. I pitched in with help on the rock star logo board, the "rock star" crayon portrait for "pin-the-shades-on-the-rock star", hanging a bazillion stars, and laying the red carpet. I even sported a tattoo on my chest. But, the most fun was rocking with Haylee to some great beats! That little girl had Gramma really jumping! She got me going, all the while taunting me to jump higher and twirl faster and faster,not letting go of me and giggling at me the whole time! Got some good laughs from the observers as well, and definitely wore this Gramma out!!

There's probably nothing in the world that I wouldn't do for that kid! I live for her hugs, sweet smile, teasing sparkle in her eyes, and bubbly giggles!

Lots of happy little girls, fun times and memories for Haylee (and Gramma) to muse on later in her life...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


June 16, 1966

After 9 wonderful months of anticipation my water broke on the exam table at the Dr.'s office just as the Dr. was going to do it. My due date was the 11th of June, and Dr. McGregor said he would start me today if I hadn't delivered sooner. How convenient not to make a mess, as there was a bucket under me at the foot of the exam table. I was sent home with instructions to go to the hospital when contractions were 5 minutes apart. Bill took me and my mom met us in the labor room. O, boy! Hang on! I had no clue what to expect and I had never experienced much more than a toothache! This was going to be a doozy! Watching my mother's face made it even harder, as I'm sure I was seeing my own pain reflected on her. She later told me she would never go into the labor room again with one of her daughters! My friend Mona was an aid, and came in to peek - she told me the baby has lots of dark curly hair. I wasn't a screamer, but some growls, moans & groans, and lots of fear in my eyes - - - Dr. Kon told me not to have this baby in the middle of the night, but not too long before midnight I was wheeled into the delivery room. No Bill. No mom. That just wasn't done in those days. They gave me some stuff called Twilight gas that made me close my eyes, but seemed to do nothing to ease pain. When the Dr. did the episotomy, I did scream. He was cursing the nurse for not filling whatever it was that was supposed to be in the bottle they sprayed on me to deaden that delicate area. Then I remember the Dr. saying "...shoulders like a football player." I assumed I had a boy, and said so. He said, "No, it's a beautiful girl with shoulders like a football player!" I was so jubilant! A daughter! They put her on my tummy while finishing up whatever, and the feel of her was like nothing in this world! She sounded like a kitten mewing when she cried... they took her away and put her in an incubator and later an isolet. Many times over the next 24 hrs. they were going to bring her to me, but she would turn blue and they would put her back on a machine to help her breathe or put a tube in her throat for the same purpose. I watched that tiny little girl rock on her hands & knees fighting for her life. At one time I got to stand with a window between us as we looked into each other's eyes and spoke all the love we had for each other. Shortly after midnight on the 18th Dr. Kon came into my room, pulled the curtain around me, sat on my bed and without speaking, held me and rocked me. We both sobbed. My precious little Toni Kay had come to this earth for such a brief visit to bless my life forever. I long for that day to hold her in my arms again.
Happy Birthday my baby!

June 16, 1970

4 years wanting a baby so badly! How thrilled to know I was going to soon hold a little boy in my arms. I just knew it was going to be a boy. He practiced all his wrestling moves within me for many months. He was due June 10th. On the morning of my contractions coming close together, I carried the trash can out to the street and walked over to my brother's house for a ride to the hospital. What a ride - included hopping the curb in his VW onto a church lawn and hearing a preacher utter some colorful words. (Jim's version of the story is absolutely hillarious!) Quite a jaunt from south Phoenix to the clinic in Mesa. After an examination when we got there I was told to come back later. Well I was starving, so Jim took me to a Dunkin Donuts and there was no seats available. So we drove around alot finally stopping at a gas station for some chips and a coke. This time the hospital admitted me. Jim had to go to work. They didn't let me see anyone for long anyway. My sister Wanda stopped by for a while. Labor went on and on and on. I was poked and prodded a bazillion times by interns, externs and nurses. One sweet little RN rubbed my back as we sang songs to pass the time. I couldn't lie down as my tailbone was sticking out. This baby was so reluctant to enter this world that he kept pushing back instead of forward. They finally administered a para cervical and took me to the delivery room. Oops! Still not ready. More walking, and singing , and back rubs! The delivery room again! Yipee! Well, this time when they wheeled me back out I cried. I know I'm pregnant! What's going on?! Third time's the charm! Of course, by then, the drugs had worn off. I figured if I was having this baby without drugs, I wanted to watch. So, I sat up on the delivery table (lying down on that tailbone was extremely uncomfortable, anyway) and watched the reflection on Dr. Skousen's glasses and the instrument case behind him. That little boy was certainly being stubborn, but finally came into this world posterior. The first thing the Dr. said was "o, what's this?" I panicked. This was Toni's birthday, and I had visions of the same thing happening again. Dr. Skousen reassured me that he was only concerned about a thumb size hematoma on the side of the baby's head, but that he was healty and beautiful. I could already see that he was beautiful. I couldn't wait to hold him and that didn't take long. It was me and him. Nothing else in the world mattered. Joseph Todd. I notified the Red Cross to let his daddy know about his birth way over in Viet Nam. Circumstances never permitted the two to meet. But, how like him he was in looks, gentleness, compassion, and so many ways. Todd brought such joy to my life, his little sister's life - even though there was 12 years between them - his step dad's life, and anyone who knew him.

25 yrs. with Todd. 14 yrs. without him. I miss your smile, your laughter, your teasing, and especially your hugs! Can't wait for the day I get them again.
Happy Birthday my son!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Been There / Done That - or - Take This Job ...

Been thinking a lot lately of what employable skills I have. When you are way past the age of first jobs and leaning in the direction of a rocking chair, it's kinda' hard to brush off your resume, as the layers of dust could start a coughing fit - which leads to other age related and possibly embarrassing activities. Nonetheless, I found myself reminiscing on the various jobs I've held over my lifespan.

I do recall the jobs at home as a child - setting & clearing the table, drying dishes, emptying the wastebaskets, shaking the rugs, sweeping the porches & carport, and dusting. I had a love/hate thing about dusting. All those little knick-knacks! Yet, all those little knick-knacks and I had quite the relationship going after years of our Saturday morning get- togethers with the dust rag! I was especially fond of the stuff on the mantle and of the treasures on my mother's dresser. Just touching her things was magical.

Helping to plant corn, feed calves, straighten bent nails, drive tractor, load hay, herd cows - those were the kinds of jobs my dad had me do.

Babysitting - another love/hate job! I made so many paper airplanes for a family of little boys, that I got to be rather adept at it. Trying to stay awake 'til the kids parents returned was so hard for a 12 yr. old. When I was older, I kept the kids quiet by having them pose for charcoal portraits, and when the parents saw them on their return, they would purchase them for their family room walls. Quiet kids - more pay!

I remember harvesting pecans - I wasn't very old, and can't quite remember where it was exactly, but think it was with my Grandad Lofgreen at uncle Sheck's pecan grove. I also remember picking cotton, and how sore my fingers got!

I wanted a job when I was in high school, but dad wouldn't let me get one - probably because he needed my help at the farm. But I did get my first real job cleaning the Southern Motel to help pay for going to Dixie College. I was working there when I met my first husband Bill. I had to walk by his house every day on my way to and from the motel. Later he was to say he didn't recognize me without a broom in my hand or my hands in a toilet! Charming! He wouldn't let me work after we married, but while he was overseas, I got a job as a cashier in The Market Basket - a tiny, corner, neighborhood grocery store. I had tons of fun working there. He made me quit when he got home.

After my divorce from Bill, I was a working single mother. I had no car and walked to and from my job at Mel's Bakery every day. Best shape I've been in my entire life! I was a cashier, kept the cases full of pastries, sliced and bagged bread, kept finger prints off the glass cases, and could have a brownie any time I wanted! Life was good! I was working there when I met my second husband, Jay. We moved to Meadow, and I got a job as a seamstress in a clothing factory in Fillmore. I was trained on various different machines - top stitching, serging, buttonholer, and hemming -that's where I really got proficient! We were paid by the piece, and I got really fassssst on hemming tank tops. Made some good money there. When we moved back to St. George I got a job at the sleeping bag/tent factory sewing zippers in sleeping bags. Not nearly as easy as working on women's clothing! I got the opportunity to take classes to get a real estate salesman license and when I passed the test, I quit my job at the sewing machine! WeeHaw! Trouble was, I was terrified - didn't know the first thing about selling real estate, so got a job cleaning condos in Bloomington. I made some good tips there - seems I could make faucets shine like no other! Finally got my nerve and went to work as a real estate sales counselor. That was in 1979 - other than switching companies a few times and becoming a broker - I'm still at it!

I have to say my favorite and most loved job is being a
Mother and Gramma!
I think this is where my skills are! Who needs a resume for that?!

Monday, June 1, 2009

...tagged by Bev -- HERE'S MY SIGN!

Here are some of the signs
I live around and love.

This one was given to me by my BFF Carrie.

This one hangs above my front door given to me by Angee.

This hangs above the door between my entry and living room.

This was given to my baby sister Norene by me and I got it back by default.

This one is from my home teacher!

Ok, I've shown you mine -- now, you show me yours!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

CAUTION... you may want to DETOUR!

Ever have those periods of time that you function by memory? You know what I mean. You walk, talk, laugh even, eat, sleep, drive - all things normal, but you really aren't there...

I have been on a detour for a while, but promise that I'll be back soon!!

Please be patient with me while I navigate my bumpy road!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


...and the angel of the month award goes to my amazing sister-in-law CAROL for sending this miracle-in-a-mug!

4 tablespoons flour

4 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons cocoa

1 egg

3 tablespoons milk

3 tablespoons oil

3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional) {why optional?}

A small splash of vanilla extract

1 large coffee mug (MicroSafe)

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well.

Add the egg and mix thoroughly..
Pour in the milk and oil and mix well..
Add the chocolate chips (if using) {when} and vanilla extract, and mix again. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!
Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired. EAT ! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).
And why is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world?

Because now we are all only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night!

There's just one thing more to say...mmmmmmmmmm!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Look out bubble bath - here I come!

Life (or the dealing with loss) doesn't get any easier. For some reason, I thought I wouldn't find it so hard to bear another hole in my heart, but it just gets tougher and tougher - not my heart, but the healing. Maybe, because of all the other holes there, the fabric is wearing thin and ragged. ...maybe it isn't ragged, but more resembles lace, and all the greiving has made it more beautiful - you know - that breathtakingly painful beauty?... I do know that time will soften the edges just as age softens our vision (so the wrinkles don't show up as much in the mirror) and with the help of loving family, friends and my Savior I will cope.

...and a nice long soak in the tub.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I know I've been a slacker lately, goes the challenge Bev gave {a while back} on:
Some interesting and not so interesting things about ME!
I am: stubborn, sassy, yet very old fashioned, and a great hugger!
I think: it's time to do something seriously FUN!
I want: my Lena...and Wanda, Norene, Mom...
I have: way too many pairs of shoes - since I'd rather be barefoot!
I dislike: constant whining & complaining
I miss: my Toni & Todd...
I fear: scorpions, fire, and deep, dark water
I feel: privileged to have formed so many lasting friendships!
I hear: QUIET, and it is FABULOUS!
I smell: Red Door - wear it daily
I crave: chocolate & cheese - they are both so sensual on the tongue...(I seriously need help)
I cry: when happy, sad, mad, whatever...
I usually: make my bed every morning - at least I pull up the covers on hurried mornings
I regret: the grey hair my rebellious nature inflicted on my mother
I search: for far more things than I care to admit as I age
I wonder: if I will ever marry again (guess I have to date first, huh?)
I love: having my daughter and granddaughter near me
I care: about making a difference while I'm here
I always: wear nail polish on my toes
I worry: about the success of my agents
I am not: afraid to try new things
I remember: my carefree and wonderful childhood (wait- did I ever leave it?!)
I believe: in eternal families - that's what keeps me going
I dance: in the rain - alone
I sing: in the car - loudly if I'm alone
I don't always: get my trashcan to the curb on Wednesdays 'cause I can't get my can out of bed!
I argue: with myself - you see my body and mind don't agree on a lot of things anymore!
I write: because I like the feeling of pictures flowing out of my fingers in words
I win: at Yahtzee about half the time and Andi wins the other half
I lose: track of time when I'm happy
I wish: I could time travel
I listen: to my heart over my head most of the time
I don't understand: how an ounce of chocolate makes a pound of fat!
I can usually be found: at my desk
I watch: my granddaughter grow way too fast!
I need: to use the stairs more often!
I forget: what was I going to say?
I am happy: most of the time!
If you read this, you are now challenged to do the same blog with your answers! Have fun!

Monday, April 6, 2009


I love you LENA...and I miss you already...

I'm glad I got to say goodbye ~ for now ~ and give you love and kisses yesterday. You have enriched my life far more than I was ever able to tell you (I tried here), and it's going to have a another hole in it without your presence . I know we will be together again --- however, I don't intend for that to happen for a long, l o n g time. So, hug my babies for me, please, and give my love to Mom & Dad and Wanda and Norene...Have a wonderful reunion {I think I may even envy you that} and enjoy that peace and rest you so deserve.
Until we meet again...

Thursday, April 2, 2009


OK - I am now the official lead squirrel for the ward I'm in. It's a good thing we don't choose our own church callings! My bishop said he wouldn't have chosen it either! Well, actually, I'm quite excited about it. This is kinda' how he said it - "We as a ward have done a project - like a dry pack day - and felt really good about it. But, then we don't do anything for another year. We need you {that would be ME} to be a thorn in our side {wow, a thorn, huh} and be constantly reminding us to work on our food storage!" I know I'm thankful for revelation and inspiration, but if any of you have some great tips and ideas for me that would be ever so GREATLY appreciated!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


A young girl just has to dream. O, remember those carefree, warm spring days lying on your back on the soft cool grass gazing up into the sky and imagining yourself soaring with the birds, or sailing on a puffy white cloud in a clear blue sea catching stars, or maybe sliding down a rainbow and splashing into waves of delightfully fragrant flowers... Can't you just hear your inner music lifting in harmony with the images of what you will become? I can... maybe as far back as a 3 or 4 yr. old. I think perhaps that my vivid imagination started filling a bucket full of dreams way back then...

  • Sitting on a limb in the mulberry tree with a "V" shaped branch above my lap transformed me into a rocket ship pilot racing toward the stars, and my dreams of flying sprang forth to have a hold on me still.

  • That magical change of the straight stick I was twirling into a "baton" instantly put me in front of a marching band as their white-booted majorette - tall, feather emblazoned hat on my head - picking my knees up so high - march, march - leading the parade - march, march!

  • Listening to my mother's soft lilting voice each night as she read us bedtime stories that sprang to life and transported us to far-away places, planted a seed in my soul to someday create those same feelings in others - journeys in the mind made with words.

  • O, how I dreamed of becoming a ballerina! I walked on my tippy toes and that wasn't enough. I folded my toes under and walked on their "knuckles" just to get the feel of the toe shoes I wanted so desperately and would never have...

  • Sitting beside my grandmother as she brushed strokes of paint across a fresh canvas gave me a desire to capture the beauty of life and freeze it's moment forever for others to behold!

...some of those dreams fell to the side of my life as their importance faded, while others actually came to fruition. Then there are those DREAMS of an older, wiser, more experienced woman that still beckon...
That BUCKET of childhood dreams has mingled with the hopes and determined goals of today and, as I muse on these things, I reach into that bucket and begin anew...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

99/100% PURE - POOH! SAYS I !!

They say scents evoke memories - well, here's one of mine...
See that wood and metal thingy above? That is a washboard! Bev had a picture of one on her blog not too long ago and said how she had never had to use one. Be so thankful dear Bev! So very thankful. Even though I'm not, nor ever was, a pioneer, my fingers still recall the feel of one of those boards. My nose on the other hand (well, actually it's on my face - not a hand - let alone the other - o, never mind, I'm sure you get it) sniffs in the aroma-memory of a bar of Ivory Soap AND my baby brother's diapers. Did I just say aroma? - could I really mean stench? That odor, smell, whatever - will forever be ONE in my olfactory memory! Ivory Soap = baby pooh period.
Here's how it went down for me. Baby brother does a number in his diaper. Some one changes him into a fresh one and the soiled diaper must be dealt with. That's where I come in. Picking up the usually damp as well as smelly package very gingerly with thumb and forefinger so as to make contact with as little area of diaper as possible, I rush to the bathroom (hoping none of my other siblings are occupying it so I can get this dastardly deed done with haste), and deposit the stuff in the toilet. If it wasn't solid, it also required a bit of swishing, gag, bleh, gag, and wringing eew gross. All this is done while breathing through my very narrowly opened mouth. Then it was off to the back porch utility sink to let said diaper soak in cold water until a few were ready for me to use the washboard. OK, maybe it was more than a few, as I so dreaded this job. Getting to it meant having that smell... Here's how it's done. Prop washboard at an angle against side of sink. Lay stained part of diaper on washboard and with left hand hold onto the diaper and washboard together while with the right hand holding the bar of Ivory Soap you vigorously scrub the stain, and scrub and scrub. Then without rinsing the Ivory Soap out of the diaper, you wring it out and hang it on the clothesline in full sunshine. {I could not get the smell of the Ivory Soap/Pooh off me without drastic measures. Scrubbing myself with that scratchy grey Lava soap, and then peeling oranges or lemons or grapefruit and rubbing the peel on my hands and arms.} The Ivory Soap and the sun bleach the stains from the diapers, but not the smell. When they are dry, they go into the laundry where MOM takes over and rinses them in cold water before washing them in scalding hot water, rinsing them again in cold and hanging them back on the line to dry. Bringing them in off the line and folding them also fell on yours truly many times.
I have to tell you that they were the whitest diapers ever!
But, still to this day the smell of Ivory Soap equals baby pooh!

Monday, March 16, 2009


A Wish for a Friend

Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!


Sunday, March 15, 2009


Join the fun. Come up with a list of 'sevens' that others might not know about you. Post about them, then leave a comment.

Seven Things I Love

  1. Family
  2. Fresh air coming in through open windows and doors.
  3. HUGS!
  4. All my senses enabling me to enjoy all the colors, textures, tastes, sounds and scents of this wonderful world.
  5. Going barefoot
  6. Candlelight
  7. Freshly laundered sheets

Seven Pet Peeves

  1. Limp Handshakes
  2. Inept change givers {some people can't count back change properly - if at all}
  3. Loud noises early in the morning
  4. Cars taking up more than one parking space
  5. Errant shopping carts in parking lots {I've been known to gather a few of them up as I park my cart properly}
  6. Phone calls that are a recording
  7. Eating while talking on the phone

Seven Things I Can't Do

  1. Follow directions {according to my darling daughter}
  2. Swim under water
  3. Use technology {without someone showing me hands on first, then it's basics}
  4. Jog {I'd bruise my chin}
  5. The splits {well, actually I can - just can't get back up}
  6. Fly a plane {something on my bucket list}
  7. Stay away from CHOCOLATE

Seven Things I Can Do

  1. Fix a toilet flapper or handle & replace the seat
  2. Clean, clean, clean {I removed all the kitchen cabinet hardware, soaked & scrubbed it when I moved into this home}
  3. Cut my own hair {have done it since I was 12 yrs. old}
  4. Slay spiders for my daughter and her daughter
  5. Sew {but it mostly consists of mending, now}
  6. Charcoal portraits {just out of practice}
  7. Re-direct objects to a different or decorative purpose

Seven Characteristics I Want To Have

  1. Focus
  2. Obedience {I tend to be rebelious at times - not that I want to, it just happens}
  3. Self discipline {could be why diets don't work for me - ya think}
  4. Courage
  5. The ability to see situations from many different sides
  6. Patience {yep, I want it NOW}
  7. Poise

Seven Things I Can't Live Without

  1. My girls
  2. Sunshine {gotta have it - get grouchy without it}
  3. Perfume {Red Door is my fave}
  4. My FAITH {it's gotten me through some really rough times}
  5. My CPAP {can't sleep without it unless I sit up}
  6. Humor
  7. HUGS

Seven Things You Might Hear Me Say

  1. WeeHaw or WooHoo
  2. Omygosh! or Omyheck!
  3. ShootDangHeck!
  4. Love your guts
  5. S--T {I figure if my mom could say it, it can't be all that bad}
  6. That's too funny
  7. Hi, Miss Muffett

Thanks Bev for making this one tough by using so many answers I would have! Seriously, you know I love these things!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


My little girl gave her little girl this cute little survey that your kids are to answer about you. I didn't see an age limit, so I gave the survey to her. It was lots of fun, you should try it - you may be surprised!

  1. What is something Mom always says to you? "Hi Cutie Pie!"
  2. What makes Mom Happy? "Family" {she nailed it}
  3. What makes Mom sad? "When someone in your family is sad." {exactly right}
  4. How does your Mom make you laugh? "Giggle, giggle" {just asking the ? made her laugh!}
  5. What was your Mom like as a child? "A little s--t!" {oh, really!} "A lot like Haylee." {well, in that case...}
  6. How old is your Mom? "62 - a kid at heart." {right on both counts}
  7. How tall is your Mom? "5'3" - I figure you have a little more height than me." {spot on!}
  8. What is Mom's favorite thing to do? "Hang out with family - oh, and play Yahtzee!" {yep, it's true}
  9. What does your Mom do when you're not around? "Enjoy the QUIET!" {AMEN - well, sometimes}
  10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for? "Writing!" {I wish}
  11. What is your Mom really good at? "Cooking." {can ya tell I like to eat it, too}
  12. What is your Mom not very good at? "Following directions!" {what? she never even hesitated}
  13. What does your Mom do for her job? "Babysit." {i thought it was to counsel, advise, keep legal, look cool ...}
  14. What is your Mom's favorite food? "Dark Chocolate Peanut M&M's - is that a food?"
  15. What makes you proud of your Mom? "How she's stayed strong through everything she's been through."
  16. If your Mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? "Someone sassy - Betty Boop!" {boop, boop, de doop!}
  17. What do you and your Mom do together? " (giggle-giggle) EVERYTHING!" {GIGGLE}
  18. How are you and your Mom the same? "Cute, Sassy (pause) Stubborn!" {ok, then}
  19. How do you know your Mom loves you? "By everything you do for me." {there's no end to what I would do...}
  20. Where is your Mom's favorite place to go? "Anywhere FAMILY is."

{that's MY girl! You Cutie Pie!}

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Isn't it fabulous to find out that the things passed on to you from generations of women are now being proved to have merit! I always detested the term "old wives tale" as it brought to my mind so many distasteful images. Wrinkled old crones with tails (OK, I get the spelling and meaning - but remember I was very small when I first heard it) giving unwanted advise to younger more hip mothers. Well, images and terms aside, good ole tried-it-and-it-worked-and-I'm-telling-you stuff is absolutely amazing! Women just have that sense of direction from other women's experience. Trust, faith, if-it-worked-for-you-it-will-work-for-me-too kind of adoration for the been-there-done-that woman. It's truly remarkable and something you definitely won't find in the male version of the species.

Both of my girls have been sick with an agonizingly painful stomach flu. Well, guess what eased the pain and comforted - one of the most famous remedies passed down from woman to woman for ages - CHICKEN SOUP! That was chicken noodle for the little one and chicken broth for the little one's mommy. Aaaaah.....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'll tell you about me if you tell me about you...

5 things under $5 I couldn't live without...

1) Sonic 44 0z. diet cola with lemon & lots of ice
2) Eyebrow pencil
3) Lip Gloss
4) Q-tips
5) Emery boards

5 favorite movies...

1) Inn of The Sixth Happiness (oldie)
2) Pearl Harbor
3) Benny & Joon
4) The Notebook
5) A Walk in The Clouds

5 baby names I love...

1) Emma
2) Gracie
3) Haylee
4) Joshua
5) Travis

5 songs I love...

1) You’ll Never Find Another Love
2) Because I Have Been Given Much - my church favorite
3) You Are My Sunshine – sang it to my kids a lot & remember Grandad Lofgreen singing it
4) Watching Airplanes – well, anything Gary Allan sings
5) For Once In My Life

5 life changing moments...

1) Birthing my 3 babies
2) The death of my 2 children
3) Losing my mom & 2 sisters
4) When I became a GRANDMA!!
5) Heart surgery

5 current obsessions... not "current" but ongoing...

1) Blogging – so glad I was talked into doing it!
2) Fluffing & straightening sofa pillows -lame, huh?
3) Diet Pepsi
4) Scented rooms – whether it be candles on warmers or sprays
5) Kitchen stuff or serving dishes that are unique

5 places I want to go...

1) Church History Tour
2) Sea World
3) Disneyland – again & again
4) Sweden
5) Cruise somewhere sunny & warm

5 appliances or kitchen tools I could not live without...

1) Watersoftener
2) Washing machine
3) Dish washer
4) Microwave
5) Refrigerator

So, now do a post and tell me about you. I'll be checking. Just cut and paste this post and change my answers and fill yours in. I'll warn you, it's harder than it looks.

Monday, March 2, 2009


I've always said "...any excuse to be with family." and I just had a ~fix~! I had the honor this weekend to have my mother's only living sister (and the "funnest" of her ten siblings), along with my favorite cousin (childhood playmates & BFFs), and her little sister, and my oldest sister's baby girl (OK, so she is a gramma already), my little sister (who I just can't get enough of) and my baby girl and her baby girl all under my roof. Whew! Nothing more fun than a house full of women! I heard my aunt refer to a group of her women friends as a "gaggle" and I find that term very appropriate for this bunch! Thanks, Nel! Listening to the soft murmurs of conversation and sudden bursts of giggles has always intrigued me and lulled me to a blissful state of heavenly peace. I recall lying under a "being worked on quilt" listening to my mom and her sisters & sisters-in-law chatting in muted tones until I fell into that trance-like state. Or, lying in my bed down the hall listening as they talked late into the night. It was never about anything they said, as I really only recall two specific conversations, but rather the warmth of their voices passing love, sisterhood and the joy of being together back and forth between themselves. It was something so special you could just feel it! Well, this weekend just brought all those feelings back in a heAp on my soul. It was absolutely wonderful! I even suspect there were those we can no longer see from there present - enjoying that warmth and love of family right along side us.

I was one tired little puppy at work today and felt the need of propping my eyes open with toothpicks at times. But, I wouldn't trade it for the world. However, I will probably wait 'til later to post some pics and give my version of our antics.

Thanks GIRLS for a fabulous weekend. It was HEAVENLY!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's A Game - "M" IS FOR...

Here's the game - a blogger friend (thanks, Bev, I love this!) assigned me a letter and I have to come up with 10 things I love beginning with that letter. I thought it sounded like fun so I thought I'd start this game on my blog too. If you follow my blog and want to play, here's what you do. Leave me a "comment" that you want to play and I'll assign you a letter. You are to share with us 10 things you love... that begin with that letter. Then you play it forward and folks will in turn leave you a comment and you can assign them a letter and on and on... Come on and play! My letter is "M". are the things I love that begin with "M"
  1. MOM - the most wonderful and important woman in my life and I love & miss her so!

  2. Motherhood - what a cherished gift to bring three beautiful children to this world! They are my greatest accomplishment and I love them!

  3. Miss Haylee - She may be her mom's greatest accomplishment, but she is my world and I love her to the sky and back!

  4. Me - yep, I kinda like who I've become!

  5. Men - OK, ONE in particular has my heart, but there is my son, my dads & my granddads, and my brothers, uncles, nephews, and in-laws whom I also love greatly!

  6. Music - the kind that touches my soul, or makes me dance, or sing along - I love it and it's all good!

  7. Mexican food - o, yeah, I love it and I could have it everyday and not get tired of it.

  8. M & M's - Dark chocolate with peanuts is my fave! Love 'em!

  9. Medical Miracles - I LOVE that my HEART is in good shape thanks to my bypass surgery!
  10. Memories - I love Making them and Musing on them!

Leave me a comment saying you want to play and I will message you a "letter" for you to get started. On your Mark - Get Set - GO!!!


I attended a fabulous free concert at the historic tabernacle downtown last night. I am amazed at the quality and amount of local talent our small town has. My friend (and visiting teacher) has been wanting me to go hear her son sing at various events for some time. Well, I needed some culture and I hadn't been in the tabernacle for a long while. This is the same building where as a young woman I attended stake conferences sitting in the balcony where I could view the entire congregation to see who was there that I might know , and it is where my high school graduation took place. It now has daily tours, and every Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon hosts a free program of music or lecture. When I entered the room last night I thought I was in a box of Q-tips! No kidding! The pews were filled with white haired little old ladies and gentlemen. Neatly packed in tight little rows. Not sure if they really like the music or came because it is free... It was, indeed a sight to see. During one of the arias performed by my friend's tenor son, the gentleman seated directly in front of me turned off his hearing aid! He must have been there for the free part. Well, the program consisted of an exceptionally talented high school aged violinist with a great personality, his white haired accompanist, the tenor (who made me think of Pavarotti - voice quality NOT size), a pianist, a soprano and a baritone. With a variety of show tunes, spiritual, and opera it truly lifted my spirits, nurtured my soul and made me joyous. Yes, I wept, too. Duh. It is me we're talking about here. The music definitely moved me! Will I go again? -- I certainly will! I almost blend in with the rest of the box!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Around the middle of February, Bev talked about decorating style and had a link to a quiz on types of style. I took the quiz and my style came up as "Lady of the Manor"- yeah, whatever. My style has always been uniquely my own with whatever I can piece together with what I have - early DI or Tres Thrift Shop. I like many styles, but tried to create that "garden" feel in my home. If you read my last blog entry, you will know that my favorite childhood place was my grandparents Garden- of- Eden- like yard. It's all about feeling comfortable and serene in my space. Here are some photos of that space...My Living Room

My Bedroom

The Sitting Area in My Bedroom

My Bathroom Vanity
My bathroom is HUGE w/seperate garden tub and shower

My Entertaining Style

So, there you have a small taste of what I surround myself with daily and what makes me feel comfortable and serene - well for the most part, anyway...