Monday, March 2, 2009


I've always said "...any excuse to be with family." and I just had a ~fix~! I had the honor this weekend to have my mother's only living sister (and the "funnest" of her ten siblings), along with my favorite cousin (childhood playmates & BFFs), and her little sister, and my oldest sister's baby girl (OK, so she is a gramma already), my little sister (who I just can't get enough of) and my baby girl and her baby girl all under my roof. Whew! Nothing more fun than a house full of women! I heard my aunt refer to a group of her women friends as a "gaggle" and I find that term very appropriate for this bunch! Thanks, Nel! Listening to the soft murmurs of conversation and sudden bursts of giggles has always intrigued me and lulled me to a blissful state of heavenly peace. I recall lying under a "being worked on quilt" listening to my mom and her sisters & sisters-in-law chatting in muted tones until I fell into that trance-like state. Or, lying in my bed down the hall listening as they talked late into the night. It was never about anything they said, as I really only recall two specific conversations, but rather the warmth of their voices passing love, sisterhood and the joy of being together back and forth between themselves. It was something so special you could just feel it! Well, this weekend just brought all those feelings back in a heAp on my soul. It was absolutely wonderful! I even suspect there were those we can no longer see from there present - enjoying that warmth and love of family right along side us.

I was one tired little puppy at work today and felt the need of propping my eyes open with toothpicks at times. But, I wouldn't trade it for the world. However, I will probably wait 'til later to post some pics and give my version of our antics.

Thanks GIRLS for a fabulous weekend. It was HEAVENLY!


The Kings said...

Thanks for a heavenly weekend. I loved being a part of the conversations and giggles and the gaggle of women. What fun! Thanks for hosting all of us. What a beautiful entry in your blog. You're awesome and I love you.

Becca said...

I so wish I could have been there! I miss you all so much. I will have to tell my mom that we need to plan another trip this sumer to come and visit. Its been way too long since I have seen you!! glad you girls had so much fun. HUGS

the duchess said...

Sounds lovely and just what you needed. Those are great times and fun memories.