Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Isn't it fabulous to find out that the things passed on to you from generations of women are now being proved to have merit! I always detested the term "old wives tale" as it brought to my mind so many distasteful images. Wrinkled old crones with tails (OK, I get the spelling and meaning - but remember I was very small when I first heard it) giving unwanted advise to younger more hip mothers. Well, images and terms aside, good ole tried-it-and-it-worked-and-I'm-telling-you stuff is absolutely amazing! Women just have that sense of direction from other women's experience. Trust, faith, if-it-worked-for-you-it-will-work-for-me-too kind of adoration for the been-there-done-that woman. It's truly remarkable and something you definitely won't find in the male version of the species.

Both of my girls have been sick with an agonizingly painful stomach flu. Well, guess what eased the pain and comforted - one of the most famous remedies passed down from woman to woman for ages - CHICKEN SOUP! That was chicken noodle for the little one and chicken broth for the little one's mommy. Aaaaah.....


Becca said...

aw that really stinks, hope they feel better soon. Give them hugs from me!!

Bev said...

What the heck! I hate the stomach flu...but tell Andi....it's a great way to loose weight! You be careful and don't get it too! I'm working on the post from our weekend at your house, might get it finished one of these days. love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously! It made a huge difference. :)