Monday, April 30, 2012

The thing that makes me sad is not being able to attend EVERY occasion that involves someone I love - whether it be lack of time, too far away, not enough gas in my car, a previous engagement,  whatever.  I want to go to every blessing, baptism, missionary farewell, wedding, graduation, birthday party, anniversary celebration, reunion (class or family), lunch, tea party, shower (baby or bridal) ...  I just want to share the time and let all those I love know how much they mean to me before I go (or can't) to their funeral.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


The first thing that came to mind was
but, then this picture popped into my brain
goodness knows why "circle the wagons" would come to mind.  However, there have been times in my life that it was necessary to get me through a trial.
...which leads to this
To be circled about with a loving family can't be matched by any earthly feeling!
...which leads me 
back to the Elton John lyrics of 

"Circle Of Life"

From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to be seen than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done

Some say eat or be eaten
Some say live and let live
But all are agreed as they join the stampede
You should never take more than you give

In the circle of life
It's the wheel of fortune
It's the leap of faith
It's the band of hope
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle, the circle of life

Some of us fall by the wayside
And some of us soar to the stars
And some of us sail through our troubles
And some have to live with the scars

There's far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round

Saturday, April 28, 2012

At 1 p.m. today I was reviewing my primary lesson for tomorrow.
Then preparing necessary visual aids.
Then the handouts.
And, I'm still  cutting out the handouts.  
I love my calling.
I especially love the children in my class.
(the whole dozen of them)
But, can I just say this ~
I really do not like cutting things out of paper!

Well, I went to sleep on the couch watching a movie with my girls, got up and went to bed without doing my blog post last night.  

You see...
being newly employed means
getting used to a new routine and it has not been a piece of cake for me!
Don't get me wrong - I am so very grateful for a JOB!
Because I am still in "training" I am being scheduled at various times to be able to work with different trainers.  Yesterday I had to be at work an hour before I normally wake up!
So, therefore the early bedtime!
...and missing my blogging time!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's a fact
are predominate in my closet.

Today it was black over white with black pants.
Yesterday it was black over white in a different way - 
white pants & black blouse.
Black purse & shoes today.
White purse & shoes yesterday.
Kinda' boring.
Zzz Zzz Zzz

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Looking down
the path I've followed ~
~ if I had it to do again,
I would maybe open gates instead of climbing over, or move the rocks instead of tripping.
Perhaps I wouldn't have strayed so far from center to see the mirages on the outer sides.
I've had some hills, and fences, and thorny places...
I know that I am wiser and stronger.
I've been humbled.
I've been led to restful places of comfort and beauty.
I know the way and am grateful for 
my Redeemer
who has prepared the path before me.
I am enjoying the journey and the companions I share it with.
I prefer to look UP!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012






Monday, April 23, 2012


Can you find me in this picture?
(no, that is not me to the right of center just under the pod)

Of course you can't find me!
I no longer qualify in this category.
I am not in a vegetative retired state as of today.
I have a JOB!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Last thing I bought
 on Friday.
Enjoyed it today after
stake conference!
~ Guilty pleasures ~

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Glass baby bottle.
Mom's note in my baby book
{{click on picture to enlarge}}
Her story to me was:  I was at Grand & Grandmother's home when I was 9 months old and there were two chairs pushed together with me laying on them drinking my bottle.  My bottle rolled off onto the floor and broke.
I rolled off on top of the broken glass cutting my side.  I had to have 4 stitches.
I could never get it out of her - who was supposed to be watching me?!
Anyway, the scar on my side definitely g r e w  with me.
I no longer drink milk out of glass bottles.

Never leave a baby unattended on two chairs.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Just me doodling!
This was an attempt at catching a profile of my first husband Bill many years ago!
Here's a link to some of the things I drew!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Orange Creamsicle Cookies

I made these cookies the other night when my Grand daughter had a couple of her friends over for a late night. 
They were a BIG hit!
Haylee said she likes them better than chocolate chip cookies!
I got the recipe here.
My mother taught me



That's my story and I sticking to it!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I always find this one

Monday, April 16, 2012

This is my favorite flower.
Don't know why.  Just is.
 But, flowers have always played a role in my memories. 
My mother always had a display of flowers.  Pretty little beds of Ice Plant by the front walk,  Larkspurs and Zenias up the driveway, Sweet Peas growing madly up the trellis by the front window of the sweet little white house we called home.  Morning Glorys on another trellis on the morning side of the house. Hollyhock, and more Zenias and Snapdragons along the neatly painted picket fence.  And always somewhere there were primary flowers ~ You know ~ Little Purple Pansies touched with yellow gold !

And then there was my Grandmother Cluff's yard that was my garden of Eden.  This is how it seemed to me ~
A cool green oasis with splashes of brilliant & fragrant flowers.
Many a day was spent frolicking here ~ or just lazing in the shade with technicolor daydreams in my little head and blossom scents in the air.

Then there were those treasured springtime trips to Phoenix on Baseline to the Japanese Flower Gardens.  The special sweet scent of those rows and rows of Stocks would hit you before you could see their bright and beautiful parade of color.
When I close my eyes I can still smell their heavenly scent. 

I want yellow Roses and purple Stocks at my funeral.  But, that is way too far in the future for anyone to remember!

I love flowers.  In all their glory.
I've never met a flower I didn't like!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

What a lovely way to wish us a pleasant evening after a  peaceful
day of worship and rest...

Thank Thee, dear Father.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I started today with tons of energy and feeling F A B U L O U S!  Everyone else was still sleeping as I bustled around tidying things.  I did take a break and sat in my chair in my room and feasted on the scriptures.  I do so much better when reading in the morning.  Of course I felt humbled and peaceful and blessed after finishing Alma.  Then the energy burst again.  After finishing household tasks and taking time to relax, I could see how dreary-looking the day was. 
I knew we had a soft rain off and on all day.  Well, sitting and reflecting, I started to feel - not melancholy, or really even sentimental - but, maybe a touch nostalgic.

I remembered when I was a young girl.   I loved rainy days when I could lean over the back of the sofa or a comfy chair and gaze out the big picture window watching the rain.  My imagination would take me to wonderful places.  As I watched the rain drops splash into puddles at the side of the road in front of the house, I was picturing
planets & stars floating in the vast heavens.  I still see that picture when I hear the hymn "How Great Thou Art".  I can enjoy the beauty of God's creation by sight and the freshness permeating the air, and listening to the soft pitter-pat of those precious drops of moisture.  Nothing comes close to the smell of rain.  Well, I do love the scent of newly mown grass, warm bread, babies... but I digress...

It has been a little chilly today - right now it is 44 degrees - but I walked out to the patio checking the effects of the rain on our little garden and the roses. 

Our one full bloom is raising it's beautiful face to the sky as if to say, "thank YOU" to a loving Father.

That is how I feel now GRATEFUL and, I guess that is how I have felt ALL day!

That is how I feel most days.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Found - one Miracle! ...cleaner, that is.

By accident I FOUND an amazing thing!
Yesterday morning the floor above had dark brown grout!
(really just built-up dirt)
When I went to use Tilex Mold & Mildew remover in my shower, I got a puddle on the floor.  It sat there for a while and when I wiped it up -  the brown gunk just rolled up with the damp cloth!  YAY!!  I didn't have to scrub!  I didn't have to get on my knees!
I proceeded to do the entire floor a reachable section at a time!

Here is my larger tile in the kitchen ~
more gunk.
Just a squirt of Tilex on the grout
and let it soak.
Go bake cookies.
Come back.
Wipe it off.
Just look at that contrast!
Everything else I have tried involved SCRUBBING!
No more tile grout cleaner, no more bleach pen, or magic sponge.  No more brushes.
No more sore knees! 
I love my FIND!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

lead up to one of many
of the most beautiful buildings
 that are scattered around the globe.
Here are some interesting facts.

This particular LDS temple is just minutes from my home.
The St. George, Utah Temple
I love to go here often .

This fabulous staircase
is inside the historic St. George Tabernacle.
The stairs were made to go to the balcony, and were too tall, so there are
a few steps at the top going back down to the balcony. There is one staircase on each side of the building.
Much of the original glass in the windows is still there.
(More interesting facts at this site.)
My high school graduation ceremony was in this building.
I also attended many stake conferences here.
Now, it is open for tours, and many lectures and concerts are held here for the public.

There are stairways to many many places we long for.
They are reached
at a time!
That is all we can do.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Most weekday mornings, after dropping the kids off at the bus stop, will find me at the computer desk.  After reading my email, scanning the online news, checking out the job market, and sending out resumes, I break out to the kitchen.  I fix me a couple of eggs and settle back at the desk to enjoy the  blogs of family and friends while I eat my breakfast.
After catching up on new happenings, or learning a new trick or recipe, or just enjoying the thought processes,  I start to ponder or muse on what I will be posting that day.
Then it is on to pinterest!
By the time I get off there, I rush my plate to the dishwasher and the rest of the day begins!
Weekends I sit at the table with family for a big breakfast of
either biscuits & gravy, or waffles, or pancakes, or french toast!
Breakfast is my favorite meal no matter where I have it!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

temperatures are climbing
Makes me want something COLD!

...that could be


Monday, April 9, 2012


This is the ONLY picture of my Dad holding me.
I didn't get to know him.
He died when I was 11 months old.

This is my Mom holding me.
I was one year old.

I'm going to a party in a dark blue taffeta dress that I loved!
It was a hand-me-down from Patsy (maybe it was Patricia or Pat or Patty) McLaws.

Me @ High School Graduation!

Expecting my first baby.
8 month along.

Me, Todd, Jay & Andi.

This is my Big Brother and me a month ago.

I just get better and cuter as
you go back to the top of the page!