Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I know I've been a slacker lately, goes the challenge Bev gave {a while back} on:
Some interesting and not so interesting things about ME!
I am: stubborn, sassy, yet very old fashioned, and a great hugger!
I think: it's time to do something seriously FUN!
I want: my Lena...and Wanda, Norene, Mom...
I have: way too many pairs of shoes - since I'd rather be barefoot!
I dislike: constant whining & complaining
I miss: my Toni & Todd...
I fear: scorpions, fire, and deep, dark water
I feel: privileged to have formed so many lasting friendships!
I hear: QUIET, and it is FABULOUS!
I smell: Red Door - wear it daily
I crave: chocolate & cheese - they are both so sensual on the tongue...(I seriously need help)
I cry: when happy, sad, mad, whatever...
I usually: make my bed every morning - at least I pull up the covers on hurried mornings
I regret: the grey hair my rebellious nature inflicted on my mother
I search: for far more things than I care to admit as I age
I wonder: if I will ever marry again (guess I have to date first, huh?)
I love: having my daughter and granddaughter near me
I care: about making a difference while I'm here
I always: wear nail polish on my toes
I worry: about the success of my agents
I am not: afraid to try new things
I remember: my carefree and wonderful childhood (wait- did I ever leave it?!)
I believe: in eternal families - that's what keeps me going
I dance: in the rain - alone
I sing: in the car - loudly if I'm alone
I don't always: get my trashcan to the curb on Wednesdays 'cause I can't get my can out of bed!
I argue: with myself - you see my body and mind don't agree on a lot of things anymore!
I write: because I like the feeling of pictures flowing out of my fingers in words
I win: at Yahtzee about half the time and Andi wins the other half
I lose: track of time when I'm happy
I wish: I could time travel
I listen: to my heart over my head most of the time
I don't understand: how an ounce of chocolate makes a pound of fat!
I can usually be found: at my desk
I watch: my granddaughter grow way too fast!
I need: to use the stairs more often!
I forget: what was I going to say?
I am happy: most of the time!
If you read this, you are now challenged to do the same blog with your answers! Have fun!


Anonymous said...

This was fun. And yes I do too win at Yahtzee more. (sometimes) haha

Bev said...

How cute was that! Loved seeing you and your sweet family this weekend....every single one of them!!! Too bad it had to be at such a sad time. Love you my dear Paula!

Bev said...

This picture of you is darn good~!!! and yes, I do think you'll get married patient, the time just isn't right!