Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Pecan Tree

My next door neighbor has a pecan tree in their front yard.  It is beautiful, BIG, produces fabulous shade and plenty of nuts.  I've made pecan pies with those lovely morsels.

  It also produces sticky sap all over my drive way, or when that isn't happening it drops nuts all over my drive way that get run over and squished into messy wasteful splotches.  It provides a roost for the largest black birds I have ever seen that love to leave HUGE globs of waste on my drive way. My daughter used to park in the driveway, but after all the above mentioned pelted her car she no longer does.  In the fall most of the leaves drop on my drive way, roof, and blow with every breeze into my side and back patios!  A few weeks ago, I got on the ladder and got the leaves off my roof and out of the rain gutter.  The neighbors still had tons of them on their roof, however.  Well, we had a really big wind storm that transported all the leaves from their roof to - yep, you guessed it - the side and back patio of my house!  Well, thank goodness for the yard maintenance guys that show up every Tuesday with their handy-dandy leaf blowers in our little neighborhood!
My patios are leaf free! 
[And, today I also washed my daughter's car, and the windshield of mine and got the last of the bird stuff off!  So, we're now all sparkly! ]
 I'd say that is a pretty good Tuesday!

1 comment:

Bev said...

My folks used to live in a pecan grove in Pima....yep, it was a mess indeed. You've got a good attitude about the whole thing...and whew...what a busy day you had cleaning up after them....ps...thank goodness for the yard men too!!