Saturday, January 14, 2012


  Vacuumed and wiped down the interior of my car!
I certainly don't mind washing the car, and I keep it wiped down, but vacuuming the interior is a CHORE!
(doesn't that word even sound like something you don't enjoy - CHORE?!)
I scrubbed some spots off the carpet.
another CHORE
I just finished up some laundry.  Love doing the washing,  drying & folding, just not too fond of hanging and putting the clean laundry away.
another CHORE
I think I'll go to bed and read.
Nightie Night!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Are you sure you're not my Mother's daughter, too? She loved a clean car, and so do I and so do you!! And that word chore....don't hear of it much anymore, but my Grandboys still say on Saturday morning that they have chores to do. I'll think of that word differently now when I hear of it!!