Wednesday, February 11, 2009


PHENOMENON - Gray hair on KIDS is a phenomenon!
That's right! Kids just don't have gray hair! But Look--
my BABY siblings all have silver in their locks!
My brother on the left is 7 years younger than I and I still think of him as a kid - granted a very tall kid, but a kid nonetheless!
My sister in the middle is 12 years younger than I and it was just yesterday that I rocked her 'til she fell asleep and very carefully laid her in her bed so as not to wake her.
My brother on the right (the one that came from Missouri and the reason for our get-together celebration) is a baby with lots of babies himself. He's about 9 years younger than I.
So, either my perspective is waaay off, or this is, indeed, a PHENOMENON!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Oh my, my! I'm older than all of them and don't have any gray's red. Tell 'em to come see me, I can take care of that gray hair for them. What a clever post and a priceless picture! Love you and your family!