Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This is the eye level skyline from my back door.
I love it.
The abundance of roses (have tons more than this shows) this spring make it especially pleasant to feast upon with my eyes and have that wonderful fragrance fill the air each time I open the door.
 This same skyline with the eye raised just a tad captures the beautiful silver dot of moon.  Heavenly little orb that fascinates and captivates me and sometimes won't let me sleep!


Bev said...

What a beautiful back yard and roses too! I can almost smell them through the computer....and look at that beautiful sky!

Sassy said...

I love your skyline view!!!!! How wonderfully awesome to have roses within view and your nose.....pretty great if you ask me......I am a sky watcher and love when I can see the have a GREAT seat!!!!!