Thursday, May 3, 2012

Here is something I wore today.
I have never worn much in the way of makeup.
When I was younger and my skin was pretty I only wore eyebrow pencil and a little lipstick.
After having babies, I started using a little light foundation just to blend the splotches, a touch of lipstick, taupe brow pencil, and mascara.
As I aged and my skin got drier, I started using a heavy moisturizer.  Still only using a little light foundation, switched to using a brow brush instead of a pencil - now in grey instead of taupe, gloss instead of lipstick, and because of my lash extensions - NO mascara.  I do wear eyeshadow to contour my sagging lids, and a smudge of liner on my lower lids.  It's sprunch spray for the hair, and fake perfume.  Always rings on my fingers, and earrings!
...and my boring black and white (o, sometimes I have some color) wardrobe.


Bev said...

You always look like a million bucks....whether you make up or can get away with it because you're naturally beautiful!! I love, love, love the lashes...and I am sooo jealous!!

Sassy said...

That is one of the things I noticed meeting you was your beautiful beautiful are a beautiful lady! I still want lash extentions!!!!!!! And I love black and white! I hope your new job this week has been awesome and has added only good to your already glowng face!