Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Birthday WANDA!

I wanted so badly to call you this morning and wish you a Happy Birthday... O, how I miss you!

Even though you were only 7 years older, you were always like another mother to me. Protecting me, teaching me, spoiling me.

Like our MOM, you were always there for me.

I could talk to you about anything.

I wanted to be like you.

Most of my early memories include you.

Many times you rescued me from the big mullberry tree in our yard. I would have met certain broken-bone fate if you hadn't caught me as I jumped from a limb o so high. You saved my burning bare feet by packing me on your back after my whining about the hot, thick, powdery summer dust we had to trudge through to Grandmother & Grandad Cluff's house. (I sometimes wonder if I had any shoes to play in.) I can remember walking home from Rendevous Park after swimming and begging you to carry me 'cause the sidewalk was scorching my little brown feet. And, speaking of swimming ~ there was the time that you and Linda Payne were in the deep end of the pool hanging on the side (I'm sure just looking cool for the guys) and I jumped in beside you. I only went under a couple of times before you grabbed me, sat me on the side and scolded me. But, you were my hero! You saved me!

I remember you orchestrating "freak shows" on our huge front porch (well, when I see it today, it was really just a small step). We dressed up in Mom's old clothes, sold tickets to neighbors, and did I-really-don't-remember-what, other than we called it a freak show. You were always organizing something for the family to do. Organizing was one of your strengths.

I remember going to a mutual party at Halloween sitting on top of your shoulders with a long yellow formal gown on to hide you, and having people wonder who we were. I felt so grown up being there with big people and getting to dance (of course it was your feet doing all the dancing).Oooo, and of course you put lipstick on me!

I was so thrilled that you showed me how to do backbends, cartwheels, headstands & handstands, splits, and to walk with my hands. I knew how way before any of my friends did, and was able to teach them, thanks to you!

I loved watching you draw, and felt so pleased that you would take the time (it seems that you always had time for me) to show me how to draw a realistic looking tree with leaves. You were so talented.

Musically speaking, some of my favorite oldies are songs that you listened to as a teenager.

It totally broke my heart when you married and moved away, but O, how I cherished the summers that I got to spend with you! When I got to fly with gramma Strebeck to visit you in Playa del Rey and spend time, I thought I was in heaven. I remember going to the little market with you (you made friends with every one there, and I was so proud that you introduced me to them), to get things for our lunches - cottage cheese, peaches and Wheat Thins (still a favorite of mine). You said you were trying to get your figure back after having Jay, but I thought you were just right, and even more beautiful for being a mother. You were so cool to let me go to the beach with Skipper and his friends. How fun that you let me get a treat from the bakery truck or the ice cream truck that came through your neighborhood.

As your family grew, I got to spend summers and watch your kids while you worked. I love your kids. I learned so much by watching you be a mother.
You introduced me to so many books. "A Girl of the Limberlost" is still one of my most cherished books to read. Mom instilled the love of reading in me, but you pushed it along.

You stood by me in all the trauma and drama in my life. You and Jordan were pillars for me when Todd was born.

Your letters buoyed me up when we lived so far apart. You and Hallmark (you had a closet full of cards and gifts for every occassion!) lifted me more times than you will ever know.
Your example of compassionate service inspires me. You were always doing for someone else.

You were my rock when Todd died. I relied on your love and strength. There you were to see to it that I not have to worry about anything. I was in such a daze I couldn't have accommodated all the people that came to mourn with me. Just being wrapped in your arms and gently rocked seeped some of my pain away.

I have always looked up to you ~ wanting to be like you ~ knowing that I could never reach that perfection. You see, you always seemed so perfect to me! So many of your talents and skills I can just admire and appreciate.

So, HaPpY BirTHdAy, dear Wanda! I hope you and Mom and Lena and Norene are having a celebration! Once my hero, and now my angel ~Until we hug again ~ I LOVE YOU FOR ALWAYS!
Please give my Toni & Todd a hug for me!


Bev said...

Just isn't fair is it? The people that we love so much were taken way to soon! I love to read your put me right there...and that is just where I want to be...back with you and Wanda and Lena and our Mom's and your Todd and....well you get the picture!!! You are the neatest person I know and I'm glad I'm related to you!!

Becca said...

I love when you write about your memories of grandma. I always learn something new!! I miss her so much!! It always hits me the hardest when i have a new baby because i wish she were here to share in the joy. It does help to know that they just came from there and were probably playing with grandma!!
Miss you, cant believe its already been a year since i have seen you. Hopefully i get to see you soon. Love you!! HUGS!!

Anonymous said...

thank you for your sweet comment! i'm glad you commented, i've lost a few blog address and yours was one of them!

this is the dearest tributes! i miss her so much! i think about her all the time and wish i wasnt so young when she had to go. she was a woman of many talents. it breaks my heart that she's not here today. how i would love to spend time with her and get her advise on being a mother.
i need to hug you soon and hear your voice, when i do it's like im hugging her :)


Amy Flake said...

Wow...what can I say? Sounds like we all want to be like her. She's an awesome lady. I felt like a huge part of me went with her when she died... I still pick up the phone to call her. If I could only be half the mother and woman she is!!!