Thursday, January 5, 2012


This is my role on school days.  I make the rounds in our little area and pick up two little boys along with my Haylee and deliver them to the bus stop.
You see, they all used to walk to the bus stop.  Haylee was the only girl with 8 little boys!  So, I still accompanied her.  Then ~ lo and behold the district changed the bus routes to make them safer.  Two buses ~ one for either side of the busy thoroughfare.  Now there are only 3 boys and Haylee.  One little boy lives at the other end of the bus stop.  The new stop is quite a bit further away and doesn't seem to be so safe.  There were three cars trying to find places to park each morning and there was really only one place available.   It just seemed so silly to me, plus one little boy's mom had to drag out a baby and she usually was in her robe.  One day I just got out of my car and walked up to her and the dad  of the other little boy and asked if I could just pick them up each morning.  They were happy to let me do that, and it works for the most part.  We sometimes have to wait for one little boy what seems like forever.  We listen to music, keep warm in the car, talk about all sorts of fun things, sometimes have some minor disagreements or pouting, a few unexpected rude noises, but most generally a happy few minutes wait for the school bus.  I find it very rewarding to not only spend time each morning with Haylee, but to get to know the two little boys as well!

1 comment:

Bev said...

How fun! Lucky Haley and lucky little boys too, having you spend time with them....creating memories!