Saturday, January 21, 2012

An Evening With Bug

Haylee Bug & Gramma spending the evening together.  Mommy is having a girls evening elsewhere.  We would normally get into some sort of mischief together, but The Bug has a bug head cold!
Did ya catch that wad of tissue in her nostril?!  She has tonsils bumping each other, too.  No redness or sore throat.  She just got over an ear ache.  What a little trooper.  Her only complaint has been the nose being tender from wiping.
Gramma decided chicken soup was in order for dinner.
It was a hit!
Then we made these~~~
Peanut butter filled Bugles dipped in chocolate!
Sweet & Salty little mouthfuls of JOY!
I saw them on Pinterest.  Quite proud of myself for actually making them.  Of course I couldn't have done it without the help of my Haylee Bug!
Love that kid to bits!

1 comment:

Bev said...

How lucky that little BUG is to have your for a grandma!! Chicken soup and's gotta make a girl feel better. Here's hoping she's on the mend soon!!