Thursday, April 12, 2012

lead up to one of many
of the most beautiful buildings
 that are scattered around the globe.
Here are some interesting facts.

This particular LDS temple is just minutes from my home.
The St. George, Utah Temple
I love to go here often .

This fabulous staircase
is inside the historic St. George Tabernacle.
The stairs were made to go to the balcony, and were too tall, so there are
a few steps at the top going back down to the balcony. There is one staircase on each side of the building.
Much of the original glass in the windows is still there.
(More interesting facts at this site.)
My high school graduation ceremony was in this building.
I also attended many stake conferences here.
Now, it is open for tours, and many lectures and concerts are held here for the public.

There are stairways to many many places we long for.
They are reached
at a time!
That is all we can do.


Bev said...

This made my ♥ happy!! Beautiful post!!

Sassy said...

What a BEAUTIFUL post......the St.George Temple has ALWAYS been one of my favorite Temples in the WHOLE hubby's grandparents pictures hang inside the temple....I LOVE LOVE LOVE vintage glass......there is such a beauty in old awesome that some of the glass is still the original.......both buildings are absolutely beautiful....loved your post about step at a time....line upon line....